Contacts & Links

We welcome any and all contributions to the database!

Do you have a contribution? - images, reports or pathogen-related news and anecdotes

Have you seen a 'mystery' pathogen that you can't find in the database?

Then please email one of us:

OSU database team:

Dr Sascha Hallett:

Dr Stephen Atkinson:

ODFW pathologists:


Dr Rich


There are many other pathogen and parasite respources available online. Here are some links to those that we have found useful:

para-site Provides basic information about parasites that cause disease in animals and people.

fishbase Is a global database of all fish species, both freshwater and marine. Is a database of samples and sequences for viruses, currently VHSV and IHNV.

Alaska Fish & Game Has comprehensive information on parasites and diseases of animals in Alaska.